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Showing posts from 2019

Looking for Event Rentals in Surrey?

Summer is that truly magical time of year where you can do almost anything outside. So, make your next event an outdoor one. The sun is out and the weather is not too bad and if you get the right event rentals in Surrey , you can have all the comforts of an indoor party, but with the magic of a sun drenched afternoon and even a lovely sunset as the event winds down. It will also be a nice way to stand out from all the other events you might be attending. If you have a wedding anniversary or big birthday party to plan, and it is going to be outside, these are some of the things you might need. Tent: The first thing on the list should be a decent sized tent. You want the event to be outside, but you also want to make sure your guests are all comfortable. So, a nice tent is perfect for creating a shaded area that is cooler, but that still allows for fresh air. It is important to get a tent that will accommodate all your guests. Nothing can turn a nice party into a bad one like

Tents and Party Rentals in Surrey - Some Important Points to Consider

Being well-informed makes you a smart buyer. So, whether you are buying a match box, a refrigerator, an air-conditioner or renting tents and party rentals, you should not make quick decisions. Do proper homework, and once you know what all the factors you should consider, only then go to the market. In this blog, we are going to highlight some points that you should consider when going shopping for tents and party rentals in Surrey . Considering these points will allow you to pick the right tents and party rentals and host a great and stress-free event. Types of Tents Tents come in a wide variety, such as a pole tent, frame tent, marquee tent, sailcloth tents, clear tents, and tropical style tents. All these tents have their advantages and limitations. You should consider every option carefully and then determine the tent type for your event. Flame Resistant Certificates You must ask the rental company if the fabric is flame-resistant and is up to the local fi